Anna Maria Zühlke O'Connor Del Fiorentino

My First Talk in a Conference - CIES Miami

12 March, 2024 by Anna Maria Zühlke O'Connor Del Fiorentino


Caption (Image by Attributiom) - 02 September, 2024

Mothers and Daughters: (Un)Belonging of First-Generation Women at Elite Universities in Brazil and England in the Twenty-First Century is the title of my first academic talk outside of Cambridge. It took place at CIES (Comparative International Education Society) in Miami this year. I shared insights from my ongoing PhD research, which builds upon my previous studies on mothers and daughters from my master’s research (and book).

Our panel, Making Visible the Unseen: Interrogating Education in Latin America through Feminist and Intersectional Lenses, was formed by brilliant scholars @rfernandezu , @mafer.rogue and @brunadj and we were fortunate to have Dr. Dalila Andrade Oliveira as discussant.

The room was packed, and we were honoured to have Professor Michael Burawoy within the audience. My lovely supervisor Dr. Kathryn Moeller and PhD peers added warmth to the atmosphere.


Caption (Image by Attribution) - 02 September, 2024

To those who attended, including those who approached me afterward, I am grateful. This first experience definitely boosted my confidence for future ones!

Thanks to @clareccam fellow @alexandre.da.trindade we have our panel recorded and available to those unable to attend the conference: