I Passed My PhD First-Year Registration Viva!
26 June, 2023 by Anna Maria Zühlke O'Connor Del Fiorentino
With my examiners Dr. Haira Gandolfi and Dr. Jason Arday, along with my supervisor Dr. Kathryn Moeller, after completing my first-year registration viva. - 26 June, 2023
The room bookings at the Faculty of Education showing my first-year registration examination in room 2S8. - 26 June, 2023
I have just passed my first-year PhD registration viva! It was nerve-wracking but amazing to have Dr. Jason Arday and Dr. Haira Gandolfi as my examiners, alongside the always lovely presence of my PhD supervisor, Dr. Kathryn Moeller. I’m now excited to embark on my data collection, which is my favourite part of research—talking to people and learning from their lived experiences!
I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m the first in my year to complete the first-year examination viva in June. I had to do it earlier than everyone else because, as a parent student, I could only leave the country for data collection if my children could join me. This meant I only had August free for interviews with Brazilian participants, coinciding with school holidays in England. Balancing my roles as a mature student and parent hasn’t been easy, especially with having to submit my registration report and secure ethical approval earlier than usual. But I’m relieved and excited that this is done and ready to start a new chapter of my PhD.