Anna Maria Zühlke O'Connor Del Fiorentino

My First Academic Book to Be Published in Brazil!

16 August, 2021 by Anna Maria Zühlke O'Connor Del Fiorentino

'Supletivo Rápido', adult education course advertised at a bus stop in Campinas, Brazil. Photo by Anna Maria Zühlke O'Connor Del Fiorentino.

Some good news! My first academic book will be published in Brazil! There’s lots of work ahead—editing, working on the cover, translating it into Brazilian Portuguese, and deciding who to invite to write the preface.

The book is based on my master’s dissertation at the Centre of Latin American Studies at Cambridge University, which I recently completed. My study focuses on the lived experiences of women in Brazil who are the first generation in their families to access higher education in the early 2000s, alongside their mothers, who are or were paid domestic workers. My aim is to show how access to higher education disrupted cycles within these families and how generational trauma was healed as these women were empowered through education.